We generated $2,388,733 on average for this sample of our clients with a 50% reduction in the amount of high prices.

Case Study


$6 Billion Healthcare System


Develop prices that are more competitive in the local market.

Equalize prices for the same services across the system.

Increase net revenues.


All items with a CPT/HCPCS code

Room and board rates

Items charged on the basis of time (OR charges, recovery room charges, etc.)

Cost-based items (i.e. pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, supplies and implants)


Decreased the number of prices that were the highest in the local market.

Prices for the same services were equalized across the system.

Appropriately leveled/stepped CPT/HCPCS codes.

Net revenues increased by over $13 million in the first year.

Incremental net revenues increased by $9 million in the second year.

Incremental net revenues increased by $9 million in the third year.